My name is Maya and I’m a blonde girl with a smaller bust but a big smile and positive attitude. If you find the sight of longer legs and sparkling green eyes appealing, I am the right choice for you. I love music and dance, especially the lively and passionate rhythms of Latin dances. I also like to include the liveliness and passion into my massage because to me, erotic massage is a kind of dance between two bodies as well. If you are looking for a break from your stressful, everyday routine and miss the playfulness and sensuality in your life, join me and let me take you to the world you’ve been longing for.
Očarala te bom z nasmehom in pozitivno energijo in ti obrnila dan na bolje. Obožujem oba spola. Sem radovedna po naravi in odprtega duha, zato te bom z veseljem spoznala in poskrbela za nepozabno in čarobno izkušnjo.
Zagotavljamo varno okolje in nudimo tiste sladke trenutke, ki preženejo stres, popestrijo in obogatijo tvoj dan in narišejo nasmeh na obraz.